Pain is the process of gain!

Published on 13 February 2024 at 20:20

ouch, oh boy, that's smarts, and my favorite geez Louise maybe at some point in life you have said one of these things or something of a different variation you be the judge. All of this shares one common factor and its Pain! Pain is something we'd all probably rather avoid and any cost, but would you believe that pain is a good thing and can lead to greater things?

At this point you may be wondering how pain can be a good thing? we'll friend I will tell you, simply put pain is the window into perfection. pain and suffering are synonymous with on another if someone is mentioning pain suffering is not far behind. One of my favorite quotes can be found in the song slipping by DMX. "To live is to suffer to survive is to find meaning in the suffering." though it may not be his original he said it best for me even though Nietzsche did okay too. In life we will suffer emotional pain, physical pain, mental pain, and even spiritual pain. these things come with living everyday life. searching beyond oneself and finding GOD in the pain is the path to survival to understand the pain. I can't quite give you a ten-step fix or a do an x,y,z but I can tell you that prayer and an open heart to GOD is how you survive and find the meaning of the pain.

One of my favorite verses in the bible entails this premise perfectly Hebrews 5:7-10(NIV). During the day of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him ad was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

you'd think Jesus need to pray less than anyone, but he was diligent and prayed with loud cries and tears to me that emotion power and intent. through his suffering he learned obedience, and, in his perfection, he became our source of salvation. pain, suffering, obedience, perfection, and salvation. in Hebrew the word used for perfection is Neged (Neh'-ghed) which means counterpart or mate so once Jesus became one with GOD in relationship with GOD, he became perfect. in our pain we can meaning we can find peace with GOD which can lead to relationship opening the doors to perfection. Pain is the process of gain. -Ollie


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