Pain is the process of gain!

ouch, oh boy, that's smarts, and my favorite geez Louise maybe at some point in life you have said one of these things or something of a different variation you be the judge. All of this shares one common factor and its Pain! Pain is something we'd all probably rather avoid and any cost, but would you believe that pain is a good thing and can lead to greater things?

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A bit of something to keep us going

Every day it is important to find a bit a wisdom and something to reflect on. whether it is how we treat others or how we treat ourselves. Find the tidbits that lead us closer to GOD and closer in relationship with him. this is a bit of something to keep us going in the right direction.

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It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog! Famous movie line maybe you heard it maybe you have not either way it’s a true sentiment. Heard it or not that isn’t what we are referencing its D.O.G vs D.A.W.G! (DOG) Down On the Ground and (DAWG) Down And Willing to Get up! The first dog is defeated and has chosen to remain so but the second Dawg realizes he or she is down but chooses to get up. These verses remind us to stay strong and know who we get our strength from.

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Can these dry bones live?

Our lives can be in many ways like the dry desolate wastes that house the carcasses of long forgotten creatures and the men of old. It can be due to sin, or lack of preparation. Either way we can find ourselves in a dire situation. A similar situation was presented to Ezekiel by GOD, and he was asked “Son of man, can these bones live?”

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Coined by the brilliant and electrifying Eric Thomas the phrase spoken with a deep breath and a gigantic bellow “Thank GOD it’s MONDAY!” How many times have you sat at your desk or stood by the coffee pot and said Ugg! It is Monday. With as much lack of energy as Eeyore the donkey giving a pep talk to a sloth. ET really inspired me take hold of not just your Monday but your everyday no matter if it’s rough or more task than you can handle take hold knock it out of the park and thank GOD that you have another chance.

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A drop in the bucket but an ocean to discover.

Facts, knowledge, wisdom, all of these are great things to aspire to and to have. What if I told you they also could be dangerous or what happens if they are misused? Chaos can ensue so Humbleness, preparation and patience are important to properly deliver facts and to share knowledge with others. If someone is bogged down with a multitude of facts and knowledge the spirit of the message can be missed as well as not giving enough of either can lead to misinformation not only is the spirit loss but the validity of the message as well.

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Running a backwards marathon!

Who is the best who is the brightest in the immortal words of The Rock “it doesn’t matter” who is the brightest who is the best the truth of the matter is it's about who serves with a passionate and truly humble heart. You can quote every scripture eloquently with a pristine case of memory but if your heart is selfish what good does your memory serve you? You go to church every Sunday and you give at Christmas, but you do not serve those Infront of you every day what is your attendance worth?

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The adage once said all that glitters is not gold. Which can be devastatingly true especially when you thought you had gold but find out it is fake. Take a minute and consider what you think of as gold in your own life. Maybe it is family, your new car, your job, talents, or even self. Simply put its what is valuable to you. Sad to say all these things are subject to life and can falter or ruin. A car can breakdown your family can sometimes cause you pain and a job can be lost due to no fault of your own. Earthly things are subject to earthly measures. It may seem dismal but thankfully GOD is not subject to earthly measures and in building a relationship with GOD we must learn to put what we hold dear with him. Matthew 6:19-21(NIV) states do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Entrust what you love and hold dear with GOD, and it will be safe. Even at the death of a loved one we can trust that they are safe in the hands of GOD and that on the appointed day we will reunite. A loss of a car or job GOD can be replaced and increased trust that GOD is in heaven and what you love he will protect.

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TIme for a tune up?

A giant black cloud of smoke, metal on metal sounds, and jerking to a stop! all these are a sign your vehicle needs a tune up. as we all know the longer you ignore these signs the more you must pay. It may even lead to a total shut down and the agony of getting a new vehicle. this is a hard time indeed to experience epically if the funding is low but if the funding is right you take care of the problem so your vehicle can continue running strong.

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It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog! Famous movie line maybe you heard it maybe you have not either way it’s a true sentiment. Heard it or not that isn’t what we are referencing its D.O.G vs D.A.W.G! (DOG) Down On the Ground and (DAWG) Down And Willing to Get up! The first dog is defeated and has chosen to remain so but the second Dawg realizes he or she is down but chooses to get up. These verses remind us to stay strong and know who we get our strength from.

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Can these dry bones live?

Our lives can be in many ways like the dry desolate wastes that house the carcasses of long forgotten creatures and the men of old. It can be due to sin, or lack of preparation. Either way we can find ourselves in a dire situation. A similar situation was presented to Ezekiel by GOD, and he was asked “Son of man, can these bones live?”

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Coined by the brilliant and electrifying Eric Thomas the phrase spoken with a deep breath and a gigantic bellow “Thank GOD it’s MONDAY!” How many times have you sat at your desk or stood by the coffee pot and said Ugg! It is Monday. With as much lack of energy as Eeyore the donkey giving a pep talk to a sloth. ET really inspired me take hold of not just your Monday but your everyday no matter if it’s rough or more task than you can handle take hold knock it out of the park and thank GOD that you have another chance.

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A drop in the bucket but an ocean to discover.

Facts, knowledge, wisdom, all of these are great things to aspire to and to have. What if I told you they also could be dangerous or what happens if they are misused? Chaos can ensue so Humbleness, preparation and patience are important to properly deliver facts and to share knowledge with others. If someone is bogged down with a multitude of facts and knowledge the spirit of the message can be missed as well as not giving enough of either can lead to misinformation not only is the spirit loss but the validity of the message as well.

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Running a backwards marathon!

Who is the best who is the brightest in the immortal words of The Rock “it doesn’t matter” who is the brightest who is the best the truth of the matter is it's about who serves with a passionate and truly humble heart. You can quote every scripture eloquently with a pristine case of memory but if your heart is selfish what good does your memory serve you? You go to church every Sunday and you give at Christmas, but you do not serve those Infront of you every day what is your attendance worth?

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The adage once said all that glitters is not gold. Which can be devastatingly true especially when you thought you had gold but find out it is fake. Take a minute and consider what you think of as gold in your own life. Maybe it is family, your new car, your job, talents, or even self. Simply put its what is valuable to you. Sad to say all these things are subject to life and can falter or ruin. A car can breakdown your family can sometimes cause you pain and a job can be lost due to no fault of your own. Earthly things are subject to earthly measures. It may seem dismal but thankfully GOD is not subject to earthly measures and in building a relationship with GOD we must learn to put what we hold dear with him. Matthew 6:19-21(NIV) states do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Entrust what you love and hold dear with GOD, and it will be safe. Even at the death of a loved one we can trust that they are safe in the hands of GOD and that on the appointed day we will reunite. A loss of a car or job GOD can be replaced and increased trust that GOD is in heaven and what you love he will protect.

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It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog! Famous movie line maybe you heard it maybe you have not either way it’s a true sentiment. Heard it or not that isn’t what we are referencing its D.O.G vs D.A.W.G! (DOG) Down On the Ground and (DAWG) Down And Willing to Get up! The first dog is defeated and has chosen to remain so but the second Dawg realizes he or she is down but chooses to get up. These verses remind us to stay strong and know who we get our strength from.

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Can these dry bones live?

Our lives can be in many ways like the dry desolate wastes that house the carcasses of long forgotten creatures and the men of old. It can be due to sin, or lack of preparation. Either way we can find ourselves in a dire situation. A similar situation was presented to Ezekiel by GOD, and he was asked “Son of man, can these bones live?”

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Coined by the brilliant and electrifying Eric Thomas the phrase spoken with a deep breath and a gigantic bellow “Thank GOD it’s MONDAY!” How many times have you sat at your desk or stood by the coffee pot and said Ugg! It is Monday. With as much lack of energy as Eeyore the donkey giving a pep talk to a sloth. ET really inspired me take hold of not just your Monday but your everyday no matter if it’s rough or more task than you can handle take hold knock it out of the park and thank GOD that you have another chance.

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A drop in the bucket but an ocean to discover.

Facts, knowledge, wisdom, all of these are great things to aspire to and to have. What if I told you they also could be dangerous or what happens if they are misused? Chaos can ensue so Humbleness, preparation and patience are important to properly deliver facts and to share knowledge with others. If someone is bogged down with a multitude of facts and knowledge the spirit of the message can be missed as well as not giving enough of either can lead to misinformation not only is the spirit loss but the validity of the message as well.

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Running a backwards marathon!

Who is the best who is the brightest in the immortal words of The Rock “it doesn’t matter” who is the brightest who is the best the truth of the matter is it's about who serves with a passionate and truly humble heart. You can quote every scripture eloquently with a pristine case of memory but if your heart is selfish what good does your memory serve you? You go to church every Sunday and you give at Christmas, but you do not serve those Infront of you every day what is your attendance worth?

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The adage once said all that glitters is not gold. Which can be devastatingly true especially when you thought you had gold but find out it is fake. Take a minute and consider what you think of as gold in your own life. Maybe it is family, your new car, your job, talents, or even self. Simply put its what is valuable to you. Sad to say all these things are subject to life and can falter or ruin. A car can breakdown your family can sometimes cause you pain and a job can be lost due to no fault of your own. Earthly things are subject to earthly measures. It may seem dismal but thankfully GOD is not subject to earthly measures and in building a relationship with GOD we must learn to put what we hold dear with him. Matthew 6:19-21(NIV) states do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Entrust what you love and hold dear with GOD, and it will be safe. Even at the death of a loved one we can trust that they are safe in the hands of GOD and that on the appointed day we will reunite. A loss of a car or job GOD can be replaced and increased trust that GOD is in heaven and what you love he will protect.

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