TIme for a tune up?

Published on 15 February 2024 at 22:06

A giant black cloud of smoke, metal on metal sounds, and jerking to a stop! all these are a sign your vehicle needs a tune up. as we all know the longer you ignore these signs the more you must pay. It may even lead to a total shut down and the agony of getting a new vehicle. this is a hard time indeed to experience epically if the funding is low but if the funding is right you take care of the problem so your vehicle can continue running strong.


Mind, body, and soul is what makes us well us! often times we put our energy in tuning up or mind through educational recourses or out bodies through gym visits and intermittent fasting and dieting raids, but what about the soul? How do we tune up the soul and how do we recognize a need for a tune up? When the mind needs a tune up your thoughts may be sluggish or of things that have no value or maybe you have trouble remembering something you should not have forgotten. The body may put on extra pound, or you may have health troubles insomnia trouble breathing and things of that nature. What about the soul how do we know?


The soul's condition is of dire importance and all the above can be a symptom of a waning afflicted soul even the car stuff because the enemy is relentless, and everything is a tool. Symptoms of an aching soul can be found in how you treat others, how you treat yourself, your outlook on life and a vast number of things. To up lift and strengthen your soul spend time in prayer with GOD, with the people of GOD, and spend time in the word of GOD to feed you spirt. In doing this you may find that the mind and body are healed as well and that all three create a well-oiled and primed machine that is you.


The body that is well tuned will produce results and reflect in what you can do such as run longer or lift more weights. the well-tuned mind produces clear thoughts and better memorization skills as well as faster thinking. In the same light a find tuned soul produces the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22(NASB) but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. these are what a healthy soul produces so if you are doing these things and are in accord with GOD you can go another thirty thousand miles. Always examine yourself seeking to see what the father sees because on whatever coast or continent you may find yourself, he is the best mechanic for the soul! -Ollie

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