Running a backwards marathon!

Published on 5 March 2024 at 23:51

Who is the best who is the brightest in the immortal words of The Rock “it doesn’t matter” who is the brightest who is the best the truth of the matter is it's about who serves with a passionate and truly humble heart. You can quote every scripture eloquently with a pristine case of memory but if your heart is selfish what good does your memory serve you? You go to church every Sunday and you give at Christmas, but you do not serve those Infront of you every day what is your attendance worth?

I cannot ask you to get it right every day it being a humble service to others, but I tell you if you can check the box on most of everything else but do not serve others you are running a backwards marathon. You passed the finish line before you have started the race. Your service is where all this walk begins and ends. Mark 9:35, NIV Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

If you seek to be the best and have top honors serve the least its right, there plain as day. Serve the low, the forgotten, and those who cannot help themselves along the way. Honestly at times you may find yourself wondering what the point is, or even feel like you're being used but I tell you do not give up on serving others learn how to regroup and help with prayer and wisdom. No one said hand a match to the man made of straw because he will only burn himself rather with wisdom find out why he needs the match! Take all your effort to GOD and you will never work in vain. Stay away from the backwards marathon or you may find the race is over before it starts. -Ollie

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